At Celcius Refrigeration we do not only consider ourselves providers of excellent quality refrigeration
solutions at affordable prices, but also an establishment that adds value to the refrigeration industry in
We are pleased to offer our customers expert advice based on their requirements, and endeavour to find
the best and most innovative solutions to cater to their refrigeration requirements while overcoming the
challenges they face. With this in mind, these are some of the services that we have designed and provide
to our clients:
- Offering the latest proven energy efficient supermarket refrigeration installations, with 24 hour service
and maintenance.
- Design and implementation of supermarkets with energy efficient components throughout the store.
- Management Dashboards for bespoke results as per client needs for ultimate control of the supermarket. All measured savings are reported on a daily basis when required.
- Supermarkets installed internationally with references to support our equipment and designs.
- Store design and layouts including drawings, while we also provide project management services
throughout the entire process.
- Refrigeration insurance contractor for supermarkets.